Close Or Reopen Project

Close a Project

To close a project,

  1. Go to that project.

  2. On the right section of Project Detail Page, click on ‘Close A Project’.

  3. Choose ‘Confirm’ in the popup and the project would be closed.

Another way to close the project is to go to Settings.

  1. In Settings, click on 'Projects'.

  2. On the right section, click on the three horizontal dots.

  3. Select 'Close Project'. The project would be closed.

Reopen A Project

To Reopen A particular project, Go to settings.

  1. In Settings, Click on Projects.

  2. On the right section, click on Closed Projects.

  3. Click on the three horizontal dots in the project box.

  4. Select 'Reopen Project'. The project would be reopened.

Last updated