4.4 Wasabi Configuration
Wasabi is a cloud storage platform where all storage-related documents and data are stored for our app.
First, you need to create an account. Below is the link to create an account on Wasabi to obtain an access key and secret key pair: https://billing-service.wasabisys.com/CommunitiesSelfReg?pid=WOS
Wasabi provides a 30-day free trial. Kindly upgrade your plan for uninterrupted use after creating an account. If you already have a Wasabi account, here is the link to log in: https://console.wasabisys.com/login
After logging in for Keys, you can follow the below steps.
Go to your Wasabi Console, select ‘Access Keys’ from the left menu, and click on 'Create New Access Key' to generate a new access and secret key pair.
Select ‘Root User’ and click on the ‘Create’ button to generate the ‘Access Key’.
Thereafter, download the CSV file and store it safely for future reference. Now, you can add the access key and secret access key to your environment file, which is obtained from the below method or from the CSV file you downloaded and add in WASABI_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY, WASABI_ACCESS_KEY in the form field.
Click on settings and copy the account ID as shown in the image below. Add this account ID in WASABI_USERID in the form field.
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