4.6 AI Configuration
AI Operations Powered by OpenAI
We utilize OpenAI to enhance the AI capabilities within our web application. This integration ensures advanced, reliable, and efficient AI-driven features for a superior user experience.
Steps to Generate an API Token for OpenAI
Step 1: Sign Up or Log In to OpenAI
Visit OpenAI's Website:
Open your web browser and navigate to OpenAI's website.
Sign Up or Log In:
If you do not have an account, click on the "Sign Up" button and follow the prompts to create a new account.
If you already have an account, click on the "Log In" button and enter your credentials to access your account.
Step 2: Access the API Dashboard
Navigate to the API Section:
Once logged in, go to the Dashboard section of the website. You can usually find this in the main menu.
API Dashboard:
Click on the link or menu item that takes you to the API dashboard. This is where you manage your API keys and settings.
Step 3: Generate a New API Token
Create New API Key:
In the API dashboard, look for a button or link that says "Create New Secret Key". Click on it to start the process.
Specify Key Details:
You may be prompted to provide a name or label for the new API key. This helps you identify the key later, especially if you have multiple keys.
Create Secret Key:
Click on the "Create Secret Key" button to create the new API key.
Step 4: Copy and Store the API Token
Copy the Token:
Once the key is generated, it will be displayed on the screen. Copy this key immediately. Some platforms do not show the key again for security reasons.
Paste the copied key in the form field in the installation step and choose your preferred AI model.
By following these steps, you can successfully generate a token for OpenAI.
Add/Update API key later on
Note: if you have an Extended License then you will get the option to update the API key and gpt models from the admin panel as shown in the below image:
and if you have any other licenses then you can upate the API key and gpt models using the .env file present in the root directory of the project.
For the API key update the AI_API_KEY
and for the models, you can change AI_MODEL
as shown in the below image.
NOTE: Please restart the server after the updates and be cautious when updating the .env files.
Last updated